Flag of Uganda

Flag of Uganda

The flag of Uganda was designed in 1962 by Ugandan minister of Justice Grace Ibingira. It consists of two times repeated tricolor of in total six horizontal stripes of black, yellow and red color - colors characteristic of the Ugandan People's Congress, which came to power in 1962. In the center of the flag, Crowned Crane in a white circle with a red comb is shown. The Crane is a national bird of Uganda and it appeared on the national coat of arms already by the time when Uganda was a British colony. The bird is supposed to symbolize progress of the country. The flag has remained unchanged in spite of numerous political changes and upheavals since its adoption.

Country information

Sovereign State Yes
Country codes UG, UGA (ISO 3166-1)
Official name Republic of Uganda
Capital city Kampala
Continent Africa
Member of United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations, African Union, East African Community, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Population 40 299 300 (2019)
Total area 241 550 km2
Highest point Mount Stanley (5 109 m, 16 762 ft)
Lowest point Albert Nile (621 m, 2 037 ft)
GDP per capita $ 643 (World Bank, 2018)
Currency Ugandan shilling (Sh, UGX)
Calling code +256
Internet TLD .ug

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